amazon rainforest

Amazon restoration success despite COVID: a Q&A interview with expert Patricia Romero

29 Jul , 2021 Blog

Amazon restoration success despite COVID: a Q&A interview with expert Patricia Romero

At Plant Your Future, our team has just finished planting a massive 40,458 native trees across the Peruvian Amazon. Despite the challenges that the pandemic brought, this planting season has been our most successful yet. This could not have been achieved without the heroic effort and dedication off our team in Peru, especially our Managing Director, Patricia Romero.  […]

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The mission of the decade: Restore our ecosystems

4 Jun , 2021 Blog

The mission of the decade: Restore our ecosystems

We’re celebrating World Environment Day (5 June 2021) as the United Nations launches a much-needed new initiative to recognise the critical and urgent need to restore the planet’s ecosystems. The goal of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is to “prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean”. […]

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Treasurer Opportunity: Become a Trustee of Plant your Future

22 Apr , 2021 Our News

Treasurer Opportunity: Become a Trustee of Plant your Future

Can you help us expand and diversify the expertise of our Board of Trustees so that we can create a greater impact in restoring the rainforest and alleviating poverty? We have an opportunity for a treasurer with a strong background in accountancy. Our small charity, Plant your Future, is at an exciting period of growth […]

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New Trustee Opportunity: Experienced in PR or Fundraising

22 Apr , 2021 Our News

New Trustee Opportunity: Experienced in PR or Fundraising

Can you help us expand and diversify the expertise of Plant your Future’s Board of Trustees so that we can create a greater impact in restoring the rainforest and alleviating poverty? Our small charity, Plant your Future, is at an exciting period of growth and we are looking for new trustees to join our team […]

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Inspiring Supporter Fundraising Events 2020

12 Mar , 2021 Blog

Inspiring Supporter Fundraising Events 2020

Become inspired to support the restoration of the Amazon rainforest this year with creative and fun events… It’s been a difficult year for supporters to take collaborative action to support our work, what with the challenges of lockdown making fundraising events nearly impossible to organise. So we would like to say a special thank you […]

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Volunteers’ activities & achievements in 2020

12 Mar , 2021 Blog

Volunteers’ activities & achievements in 2020

As a small charity, Plant your Future receives invaluable support from a dedicated team of volunteers, who offer their skills to help us with a range of activities. This year, we would like to say a special thank you to: Katie Butler-Manuel: creating beautiful and inspiring content for our social media channels, Katie (pictured above) […]

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Top 5 ways to take Climate Action in 2021

12 Mar , 2021 Blog

Top 5 ways to take Climate Action in 2021

Want to know the easiest and best ways to support restoration in the Amazon rainforest this year? Plant your Future is mitigating climate change and alleviating poverty by supporting low-income communities to turn their degraded land back to forest cover through progressive farming. Discover how you can support rainforest communities in 2021… 1. Become a […]

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Joining forces to restore the rainforest

12 Mar , 2021 Blog

Joining forces to restore the rainforest

Last year, we started three new partnerships to raise funds for tree planting in the Amazon. By collaborating with like-minded organisations we can achieve so much more… Healthy You, Healthy Planet We’ve partnered with a team of nutritionists from Odhealth, who are helping to create healthier people and planet. They offer support and guidance so […]

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Looking back on 2020: a significant year

12 Mar , 2021 Our News

Looking back on 2020: a significant year

Discover our round-up of activities to restore the Amazon rainforest in 2020 and exciting plans for 2021… Plant your Future has been running for over a decade and there have been plenty of highs and lows during that time. Of course, there have been challenges as we work tirelessly to reverse deforestation and alleviate poverty […]

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Action in the Amazon 2020

12 Mar , 2021 Our News

Action in the Amazon 2020

Discover how Plant your Future is restoring the rainforest with native trees to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, while alleviating poverty and building community resilience at the same time… Between 2019 and 2020, our team worked tirelessly to plant an impressive 15,703 native trees across the Amazon. This has enabled us to restore 14.5 […]

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