Top 5 ways to take Climate Action in 2021

Want to know the easiest and best ways to support restoration in the Amazon rainforest this year?
Plant your Future is mitigating climate change and alleviating poverty by supporting low-income communities to turn their degraded land back to forest cover through progressive farming. Discover how you can support rainforest communities in 2021…
1. Become a donor
The most effective way of supporting our work is to sign-up to donate a fixed amount each month – this really helps us to plan for the future, secure in the knowledge that we have a regular amount of unrestricted funding coming in each month that can support our most urgent priorities. To become a regular donor, please sign-up via our secure online donation form: or get in touch and we will send you our details so that you can set-up a direct debit. Contact us:
2. Organise a fundraiser
Get creative and plan some exciting events with friends and family to take action for the Amazon. Social distancing might mean that we can’t get together physically, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop – you could organise an online pub quiz or jungle fancy dress Zoom party. More than ever, we need to reach out to each other and create positive action in the world. Whatever you decide to do, don’t forget to get in touch and tell us all about it – we’d love to see the photos too!
3. Donate for FREE

Did you know that you can donate to charity every time you shop and it costs you absolutely nothing? If you use Amazon to buy anything online, then simply visit, select Plant your Future as your chosen charity and shop in exactly the same way. For every purchase you make, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the value to us. It couldn’t be easier and it costs you nothing.
4. Volunteer with us
If you’d like to help support our work in a practical way, then please do not hesitate to get contact: If you’re not sure what you can offer, then we can have a chat about your interests and no doubt we will be able to find the perfect role for you. We need a whole range of skills and experiences to help support our work, so even if you’re unsure how you could help, get in touch and we can share ideas together.
5. Become a Trustee of Pro-Bono advisor
Interested in making more of significant contribution to our work by becoming a Trustee? We are looking to fill two roles on our Board: a treasurer with a strong background in accountancy and a trustee experienced within the fundraising or PR sector. These skill-sets will compliment and enhance the expertise of our staff members, trustees and special advisors. For more information, contact us on:
In whatever way you decide to support us in 2021, please do spread the word about our work. You can keep up-dated with our action in the Amazon by signing up to our monthly e-newsletter or following us on social media:
amazon rainforest, charity, climate action, Fundraising, reforestation, restoration, tree planting