GiveBack2020 – let’s build back stronger & greener

1 Dec , 2020 Our News

GiveBack2020 – let’s build back stronger & greener

Today is Giving Tuesday, a global movement where people across the planet come together to support causes that are creating a better world.

By supporting our Big Give Christmas Challenge, your donation will be doubled – making twice the impact.

Our team works with rural, low-income communities to restore the Peruvian Amazon through agroforestry.

This is an environmentally-friendly way of farming that reduces deforestation and improves livelihoods.

Traditional slash-and-burn farming is one of the biggest drivers of biodiversity loss and climate breakdown.

If this wasn’t bad enough, it also traps families in poverty.

We’re on a mission to change this.

We have set the ambitious target of raising £20,000 in just 8 days. We need your generous support to make this happen.

It’s been a devastating year for families living in the Peruvian Amazon. They need your support more than ever. 

Rainforest communities have been hit extremely hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and they need your help to build back stronger and greener.

Right now, we have 80,000 native tree saplings growing in our nurseries in Peru. We urgently need to raise more funds to enable local families to plant the saplings out on their land and supply them with the fertiliser, tools and training needed to ensure the trees survive and thrive.

With your help, we can reforest the Amazon through agroforestry and alleviate poverty in rainforest communities.  

Let’s end 2020 with positive action

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