Big Give Christmas Challenge 2022

29 Nov , 2022 Our News

Plant Your Future is championing community-led climate action in the Peruvian Amazon through sustainable farming and native species reforestation.

By supporting us this week through the Big Give Christmas Challenge your donation will be doubled from 12pm, 29th Nov to 12pm, 6th Dec 2022.

We have set the ambitious target of raising £32,000 in just 7 days. We need your generous support to make this happen.

Communities across the Peruvian Amazon are eager to sign-up to our programme so that they can restore their land and create a better future for their children. Your support will make this a reality for a 100 more families.

To make twice the impact with your money today, please donate via the Big Give website.

What others say:

”My family have always been farmers and we like growing things, but it was always just to survive. Thanks to Plant Your Future we have been able to diversify what we plant with the capacity building we’ve received. Very soon I’ll be harvesting citrus fruits and cocoa, which will give me an income.“

Julian, a farmer from our Loreto programme

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